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The 7 Amazing Ways to Use Oat Milk Powder

The 7 Amazing Ways to Use Oat Milk Powder
Writer and expert1 year ago
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You’ve got oat milk.

Why do you need oat powder?

These days, more and more people are replacing cow’s milk with plant-based alternatives like oat milk. Their focus isn’t always on following a vegan lifestyle though. It might be to support animal welfare, help protect the environment or to boost general health and nutrition.

So what exactly is oat milk powder?

It’s a plant-based milk powder alternative that comes from whole oats. This means it gives you all the benefits of oat milk but in a convenient powder form.

For starters, oats are exceptionally good for you. They’re very easy to digest, and if you’re lactose intolerant you can happily enjoy oat drinks as it doesn’t contain any lactose whatsoever. In addition, oats contain a variety of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins the at are important for your body.

But if you can buy fresh oat milk why do you need an oat milk powder? Oat drinks in cartons are obviously super convenient – when you want some just pour it out. But oat milk powder has loads of handy advantages too. Don’t believe us? Here’s our list of essential oat milk powder uses.

The Top 7 Powdered Oat Milk Uses

1. Fresh oat when you need it

It’s just handy and reassuring to have some oat powder always on hand. Just whip it out of the cupboard and mix some up whenever you need it. This makes it perfect if you don’t use fresh plant based milks regularly, and are fed up with chucking away half-finished cartons which are no longer fresh.

2. The perfect pantry back-up

Plus, it’s also a solid back-up, always ready to step into service if you ever run out of your oat drink. Just keep a sachet or two in the cupboard or pantry. It doesn’t need refrigerating and keeps for up to a year in a cool, dry place.

3. Vegan coffee creamer

You can use it in different, creative ways too. It’s a tasty vegan non-dairy creamer for you to use instead of coffee creamer. It’s quick and easy to mix up, making it ideal if you fancy a bit of non-dairy in your tea every so often. Or if you have vegan guests who regularly come over, but you don’t want to buy in big one litre cartons.

4. Vegan cooking and baking

Oat milk powder is incredibly versatile in cooking as well. You can use it as an alternative to dairy milk powder when baking bread and cakes. As the dairy-free milk powder has a lovely sweet note, it adds a delicious flavour to your dishes.

5 .Overnight oats

What’s more, you can use it to make up overnight oats which are left to soak overnight before being used in the morning. This can bring a lovely, creamy, oaty texture to your favourite brekkie.

6. Protein shakes and smoothies

Don’t forget, protein shakes and smoothies. Using oat milk powder is absolutely perfect for improving the mouth feel, texture and creaminess of your plant protein shakes and smoothies.

7 . Milk alternative for festivals, camping, work, travel and more

You can even enjoy our oat milk powder out of the home. It’s a really convenient alternative to take away to festivals, camping, a day’s hiking or even to the office. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated and you can enjoy tea and coffee just as you would at home. Simple.

Even more powdered oat milk benefits

With oat milk powder you mix it yourself by simply adding water. This means you can adjust the consistency to get it just right for your personal taste and taste buds. [1]

There’s much less packaging, much less bulk to transport with oat milk powder, for you to make up the same amount of the drink at home. This means it’s very environmentally friendly. In addition, the oats can be grown locally and don’t have to be imported from abroad so there are big savings on CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases with powdered oat milk.

Drinking oat milk made from vegan milk powder also puts less of a strain on you. When you’re out shopping, you don’t have to carry heavy packs of four or six cartons. With one bag of our oat powder you can make up 4 litres of yummy oat at home.

Why not try some of ours?

Our MIGHTY Oat Powder is a plant-based, dairy-free vegan oat milk alternative that comes in a super-easy, super-convenient dried powder pack. It’s not meant to replace your big cartons of MIGHTY Oat Instead, it’s the perfect back-up to have in the cupboard to whip out if you ever run out of our oat drinks.

Better still, each bag of our powdered vegan plant-based also goes a long, long way. The 375g in it can actually make up four litres of scrummy MIGHTY Oat That’s a lot of lovely cuppas, shakes, brekkie cereals, cakes, loaves of bread.

Writer and expert
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